Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lindsay Dreams Erotically


A source told US Star magazine: ‘She’s been having erotic dreams about her former lovers, like Calum Best, Wilmer Valderrama, and Jared Leto.’ ‘Her counsellors are trying to get her to understand that she’s substituting one addiction for another.’ The insider added: ‘Besides the obvious dangers of STDs, having indiscriminate sex can lead to emotional heartbreak, and that can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. If she doesn’t come to grips with this, Lindsay is going to find herself back in rehab-sex addiction.’”

I find this hard to believe because counselors should be quiet due to “patient confidentiality”. Unless she is blabbing to her buddies in rehab about her erotic dreams! Maybe she is trying to spread rumors so people will still be talking about her when she gets out.

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